Submit an Invoice
We strive to disburse payments to our clients’ vendors and suppliers promptly and consistently. HLNM leads the industry by processing payables weekly. We have established the following procedures to expedite payables. Following these procedures will ensure that payments are handled expeditiously. Missing documentation, invoices with partial or unspecific community names, and lacking invoice details will result in delayed payments. Please review the requirement below to facilitate timely payments.

Proof of Insurance
HLNM strives to ensure that all vendors are insured. Include with your invoice a Certificate of Insurance that includes both Liability and Workers' Compensation coverage and that has the Certificate Holder listed as:
Homeland Neighborhood Management, LLC.
P.O. Box 320248
Flowood, MS 39232
If you do cannot provide this proof of insurance, please complete an insurance waiver form.

Form W-9
To complete your payment, we must have a Form W-9 from the IRS on file. If you have not worked with us in the past, please be sure to submit this form with your invoice.

Submit Your Invoice by Email
To help us process your payment as soon as possible, send your invoice to us by email at
If you cannot submit your invoice by email, then send it by mail to our payment center through AvidXchange Lockbox:
HOA name
c/o HLNM
P.O. Box 36302
Charlotte, NC 28236
Please submit your invoice only one time. Submitting your invoice by both email and mail may delay your payment.